Carousel Mojo User Guide

Before You Begin

Welcome to the comprehensive and easy to use user guide for Carousel Mojo Plugin.


  • This guide covers almost all the elements you need to know about Carousel Mojo Plugin. You should read through everything first before you start installing and running the plugin.
  • Each sections comes with illustrative screenshots and comprehensive explanations.
  • This guide is designed to be read “step-by-step”, from start to finish.

How to Ask for Support

If you need any support or have any questions regarding Carousel Mojo Plugin, feel free to contact me via helpdesk support system.


Remember to include your purchase code for verification purpose.

Installing the Plugin

First, login into your WordPress admin dashboard.

Next, go to Plugins > Add New. Then, select the zipped plugin file ( and press install now.

Once you’ve successfully installed the plugin into your WP site, proceed to activate the plugin.

Setup Carousel Mojo

First, simply login to your Admin Dashboard, and look for Carouse Mojo.

To add a new carousel, simply click the Create New Carousel button.

Next, insert a name, select what type of carousel you want to create, and then hit Create button.

Once a new carousel has been created, hit the Edit button to start edit the carousel settings.

Setting up content carousel

There are 6 different sections in Content Carousel:


1 – General

In this section, you can change the name of your carousel, as well as retrieving the carouse shortcode. Please note that you can’t change the carousel type once it’s created.


2 – Contents

Here you can configure each content columns you have in your content carousel.


To edit a content column, simply click on the Edit Icon on the right.

Each content column has its own settings: Title, excerpt, buttons, as well as various design options to further customize your content column.

You can re-arrange your content columns by simply click and hold on the column bar.

You can also add more content columns by clicking the Add New Content button.

3 – Columns

Here you can choose the number of columns for your layout (to a maximum of 6)


4 – Display

Here you can change the layout of each content columns.


5 – Carousel

This section contains all the settings for the carousel.


6 – Controller

This section lets you configure the carousel controller to your liking.


Remember to click Save Changes once you’ve updated the settings.

Setting up post carousel

There are 7 different sections in Post Carousel:


1 – General

In this section, you can change the name of your carousel, as well as retrieving the carouse shortcode. Please note that you can’t change the carousel type once it’s created.


2 – Post Query

Here you can configure your post query to fit your needs.


3 – Columns

Here you can choose the number of columns for your layout (to a maximum of 6), as well as the background and button color.


4 – Display

Here you can customize the looks and feel of each post columns.


5 – Carousel

This section contains all the settings for the carousel.


6 – Controller

This section lets you configure the carousel controller to your liking.


7 – Image Ratios

Here you can change the image ratios of each posts.


Remember to click Save Changes once you’ve updated the settings.

Setting up product carousel

( Please note that you must have Woocommerce activated in your site in order to use this type of carousel. Otherwise, you can’t create this type of carousel. )


There are 6 different sections in Product Carousel:


1 – General

In this section, you can change the name of your carousel, as well as retrieving the carouse shortcode. Please note that you can’t change the carousel type once it’s created.


2 – Product Query

Here you can configure your product query to fit your needs.


3 – Columns

Here you can choose the number of columns for your layout (to a maximum of 6), as well as the background and button color.


4 – Display

Here you can customize the looks and feel of each product columns.


5 – Carousel

This section contains all the settings for the carousel.


6 – Controller

This section lets you configure the carousel controller to your liking.

Remember to click Save Changes once you’ve updated the settings.

Resources and Credits

I’ve used the following resources as listed.


Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this product. As I said at the beginning, I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this product. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to assist. If you have a more questions relating to this product, please feel free to contact me via my helpdesk support system.

Remember to include your purchase code for verification purpose.